My experience in...


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being able to intern in a well-known organisation…

…in Palestine was a dream come true and a blessing. I had some of the most challenging, yet most worthwhile weeks of my life. Jerusalem truly became a home for me, and being immersed in the Palestinian community was so very special. I developed both academically, as an activist, and as a person as a result of this internship.

I was positioned in a journal in East Jerusalem, which allowed me to write articles on what I felt were pressing matters, as well as attend events and mingle with a variety of individuals, both Israelis and Palestinians. It was very special to me to be able to explore concepts I found fascinating, and I was given the freedom to do so. After Orientation Week I was buzzing with ideas and knowledge, so it was very special to be able to utilise everything I had absorbed and questioned so quickly. 

Being embraced by the Palestinian community was the most special part of the program for me. From my colleagues at work, to strangers on the street, to our mentors and guides throughout the program, I was given so much kindness and knowledge and hope. I will forever feel so grateful for what I received as a result of the program. I have made life-long friendships, gained valuable work experience, developed in all aspects of my life, and made some of the most incredible memories. I honestly could not recommend FFIPP more. A life-changing blessing which gave me so much.