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Announcing the crowdfunding for the 2024 FFIPP Summer Programme

For almost 2 decades, FFIPP has organized the Summer Programme. The international study program allows students from all over Europe to spend five weeks in Palestine/Israel to volunteer with a local organization, learn about history, and experience the realities of life in an occupied country. Every year, we fundraise through universities, charities, educational funds, and more. Unfortunately, the heated political climate around Palestine/Israel has lead to many funders silently withdrawing.

This summer programme is what differentiates FFIPP from most educational networks. Participants meet, discuss, observe, and witness firsthand the reality on the ground. This type of understanding simply cannot come without physically visiting Palestine/Israel.

We have seen universities scared to give money to education programmes concerning Palestine/Israel. Donors who have given generously to FFIPP for years now refuse involvement. This comes paired with hightened costs, as living costs in Palestine/Israel have skyrocketed, leading to higher accommodation, transportation, and food costs for our programme.

FFIPP is fully volunteer-run. None of our members or participants is paid for their continuous, dedicated work. The funds we raise go completely to material costs such as accommodation and transport as well as paying our partners on the ground for lectures, tours, and speaking engagements.

We have exhausted every option for funding, so we now turn to the public. Please consider supporting FFIPP so we can continue to grow our work and educate a new generation of students who will in turn carry their knowledge into their home countries, to press ahead in the fight for a just peace.

FFIPP Europe